Saturday, August 3, 2013

Technology Mini Course for Educators

My mini course has a couple of skills used in the W531 class. I decided to give information on digital natives, digital citizenship, blogs, apps, and games. This course is set up for 4th to 6th graders.  I thought if the teacher and students had a little taste of what their classroom could have available to them they would become more interested. Hopefully it is not too overwhelming for them, but I figured if I could handle it, they could handle it:) Click on the link down below to open my mini course website!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Book Talk 2

Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World written by Tony Wagner

This book is wonderful!!! This book is about creating innovators in our classroom. It is very motivating for parents, teachers and bosses out there. It is a very easy read and it keeps you wanting to read more. I hope you take the time to listen to my book talk! Click on the link below:)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Mobile Learning: Using Apps in the Classroom

Down below is a link to view 10 different learning Apps for children who struggle with phonics, writing, and organization. I chose these apps, because I work with Dyslexic children ages 5 to 10. I believe some of the apps could even help children who are 5 and under. The apps I chose are also all free apps, which is a bonus:) There is also an explanation as to why I think mobile devices are a good learning tool to have in schools and at home. I hope after looking at the apps and reading some of my reflections you will want to look more into using mobile devices too.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

What is a Digital Citizen?

A digital citizen is someone who treats the Internet with respect, follows rules, and has responsibility online in order to stay safe while using the computer or other technical devices. Down below are two presentations that describe how to put a technology plan into a school. I made up a private elementary school as an example of a private school in Indiana that does not have technology in place. My resource came from the State Education website that shows what states have a technology plan for their public schools. I also had to do a little research about what schools use to keep their Internet safe.  The outline is first and the power point presentation is second. Enjoy:)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Book Talk 1

I read the book Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How Can They Change Our World? written by: Jane McGonigal This book is all about virtual games and what we can do with them. It is very inspirational for educators and a real eye opener if you knew nothing about being a gamer. Check out the book talk on the link below. Hope you enjoy getting to know a little bit about this book!!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Digital Divide: Are There Too Many Choices?

After listening to some of my classmates talk about their experiences in the classroom or in their work environment, it got me thinking about all different communities and where are divide problem might be. I myself have had digital divide moments, because I taught at a private school where the kids had more access to technology at home then they did at school. The technology we had available was old donated computers that were outdated. It took outsiders and volunteers to update them and grants to get some new technology going, such as smart boards for upper elementary grades. This lead me to thinking about our schools more and where our focus should be centered on.

My voice thread message about the Digital Divide was about there possibly being too many choices for digital devices to choose from for our schools. Most of my opinions came from all three articles we read in our module this week and a little video my son watches called "Wall-E". The two questions I answered in my voice thread message are:

What is the Digital Divide and why is it changing?
What impact will Digital Divide have on today's learners ( solutions can be offered)?

Listen to my voice thread link to find out more! My slide is number 9:)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Literacy in the 21st Century


  • Link to a document is down below explaining in depth how these 7 types of Literacy are changing the way we think about education.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ah-Ha Moments about Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants

  • Based on the readings and my frustration to create a little video in Module 1 and 2, I have realized I am definitely a Digital Immigrant:)  

I came to find that children who are born in this generation or children who were born when computers really took off are Digital Natives. The older generations and even 90's generation are Digital Immigrants. They either didn't have computers or technology at all growing up or they just had a little technology growing up but didn't consume their life with it. Digital Natives need to have access to technology almost all the time and they want to use it in their learning environments. Digital Immigrants are overwhelmed with all the choices and frustrated because they don't know how to use the technology that is out there being changed all the time. I think Digital Immigrants just want stability and control; technology is not like that at all. It seems to be an educational crisis that needs to have some focus and resolutions on how to change our classrooms. If Digital Natives are being taught by Digital Immigrants then their not going to get ahead in this world, they are going to stay stuck in the past and struggle with finding jobs in the future.

Digital Natives want to have the freedom to see, touch, and hear things they are learning. They want to be able to decide how they are going to work, be social, pick how they learn, and be apart of their entertainment instead of watching their entertainment. The faster the better, the newer the better, and more personalized the better. Digital Immigrants want to be in control and they want to follow the rules that society set up for them years ago. Basically, they want a typical 9 to 5 job with a boss and steps up the ladder. My personal opinion is Digital Natives don't want to have to work up the ladder they want to start at the top. Not always a good thing, but not always a bad thing either. The economy is hurting us, because our businesses and schools can't keep up with the new trends and can't afford to train all these Digital Immigrants.  The world is moving at a fast pace and our children our suffering because of it, so that leaves educators trying to figure out what to do and how to grow.

My video shows a Digital Immigrant principal interviewing a Digital Native for a 3rd grade teaching position. I chose 3rd grade because it seems to be the year when children struggle more and have more standardized tests. The Digital Native has had experience and wants to use computers in her future teaching career, but the Digital Immigrant can't help her with that.  I believe that schools around the nation want to incorporate new technology into their curriculum, but can't afford to do so. So my video should leave you thinking about what could we do to help our schools engage Digital Natives. It is a short and simple video with a message.

Readings that Influenced Me:

Gilbert, I. (2009). Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when it's the only idea you've got. Why do I need a teacher when I've got Google?: things every teacher should know (pp. 42-46). London: Routledge.
Solomon, G., & Schrum, L. (2007). Students and learning. Web 2.0: new tools, new schools (pp. 25-44). Eugene, Or.: International Society for Technology in Education.
Prensky, M. (2006). The emerging online life of a digital native. "Don't bother me Mom, I'm learning!": how computer and video games are preparing your kids for twenty-first century success and how you can help! (pp. 40-51). St. Paul, Minn.: Paragon House.

Monday, June 24, 2013

All About Me

Hello Classmates,
 Welcome to my blog! My name is Stephanie Fenton and I am an elementary school teacher, army wife, and mom. I taught Preschool, 1st, and 3rd grade over the course of 8 years at a private school. I currently just got done training at the Dyslexia Institute so I could tutor children who are dyslexic and stay home to raise my 2 year old son. It was a very hard choice to leave the classroom, but I am enjoying new experiences in education through the Dyslexia Institute. So far it has been rewarding!

I am taking W531 to go towards renewing my teaching license. I have to renew it every 5 years, so it is fun for me to brush up on what is new in education. I do not have a desire to get a Masters Degree at this time, but it could be a goal in the far future.

I look forward to sharing and learning from all of you in our computer education class!